The Participation and Engagement Team
Do you feel like you have a voice in decisions made about you and your future?
Do you feel comfortable expressing your feelings and sharing your views?
Would you like to get involved in interviewing social workers who want to come and work at Wirral?
Would you like to help make Children's Services better?
Getting involved with the Participation and Engagement team is a great way to do all this, and more!
We want:
- you to take part in activities that you will enjoy and are important to you.
- to celebrate your achievements with you.
- you to know your rights, so you know that they are being met.
- to make sure you have all the information you need whilst you are in care.
- you to know who you can contact to talk about a problem or concern you might have.
Getting involved is a great way to meet other young people who may be experiencing similar things as you. You can make new friends and have some fun.
We also pay you in vouchers for your contributions.
Who can I contact?
Julie Smith
Mobile: 07920 594 197
The team is based at: Our Space, Argyle Street, Birkenhead, CH41 6AB

Julie Smith: Participation and Engagement Officer

Angie Ringwood: Youth Worker

Ray Smith: Youth Worker