SENDLO: Competition and Survey
Wirral Council has a group of people making things better for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).
The group has people who work in health, in education and social care. Parents and Carers are also part of this group and the Chief Executive for Wirral Council leads it.
This group's name is The Local Area SEND Partnership Board (LASPB). They share updates on the SENDLO website (SENDLO Wirral).
They would like to invite Wirral’s children & young people to design a logo for them. Something they can use on all their paperwork. Something that shows the partnership approach to this work.
As this will be a competition, there will be a prize for the winning entry.
Be as creative as you like and make sure to have fun designing your logo.
You can enter up to 3 designs per person.
Please email your logos to
Remember to add your name and contact details so they can contact you if you are the winner.
The closing date will be Tuesday 1 April at 5pm.
Have your say: SEND Strategy 2025-2029
The Local Area SEND Partnership is currently working on the SEND Strategy 2025-2029. All the feedback collected will be used to develop the new strategy.
If you rely on SEND services across Wirral and haven't yet had your say, it is not too late for your voice to be heard.
The survey will be open until Friday 21st March 2025 and the SEND Strategy will be shared on SENDLO when it is finished.